Reiki I with Susan Masters: May 30, 2025
May 30, 2025
Friday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
7 CE Hours
The Usui Method: Reiki is a hands on, energetic, healing modality. The word Reiki is defined as Universal Energy (Rei= Universal, Ki=Energy). Reiki utilizes an initiation or attunement process given to the student by a Reiki Master to align and open the chakras to Universal healing energy. Through the attunement process each of the seven chakras are "tuned up", charged and cleared. The beauty of Reiki is its simplicity. Massage Therapists will be able to utilize Reiki energy to enhance his/her practice immediately after Reiki I training. Individuals who are not bodyworkers are also invited to take Reiki in order to utilize this healing energy for themselves and others. Three levels of training are offered: Reiki I teaches the history and philosophy of Reiki as well as hand placements for healing oneself and others. Students will receive four attunements.